Girl Power

Today is International Women's Day.  As I was lying in bed this morning scrolling through alllll of the social media posts about women's empowerment I thought to myself, "what does it mean to me to be a woman?"  Now don't get me wrong, I am all for GIRL POWER and power of the puss.  However, I couldn't help but think to myself that my body is failing me as a woman.  The thing our beautiful womanly bodies are made to do, mine is not.  I sat on that for a good part of the day.  But as I marinated on that negative thought for a while, I started to think if that one little thing my body isn't doing making me any less of a woman? Absolutely NOT.  I've been through some tough shit in my life, not just my fertility journey.  I've overcome having not one but two sick parents in my lifetime, survived an abusive relationship, suffered from some depression and anxiety, and dealt with those adversities the best I knew how. I am actually one of the strongest women I know and I am damn proud to admit that.  Yes, I drink wine more nights a week than not. Yes, I sit on my couch binging Bravo every night while consuming an entire bag of jellybeans in one sitting. Yes, I cry like a little girl to my mom and dad when I've had a hard day. And yes, I nag my boyfriend to pick his shoes up off the living room floor for the HUNDRETH time this week.  What women doesn't? Just because I'm having this one little blip in my reproductive years does not make me any less of a women. My body is still fully capable of  growing a child inside my womb. And I know that day will come

I guess what I'm trying to say is that SO many women struggle with fertility issues.  So many women are ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it. To be honest, I have regret sometimes about sharing my journey.  But I have no reason to feel that way. We as women endure so much shit and usually handle it in stride.  I wouldn't trade being a women for anything, bum ovaries and all.  So this ones for all you women out there. Women struggling with infertility are often envious of women who are able to conceive so easily. It’s hard not to be. But we as women need to not compare ourselves to others, rather embrace one another. We all have struggles and we all have strengths. I couldn't be more proud of the strong women surrounding me and supporting me in this life. 

I will update on what is going on with me on the medical side in a separate post when and if I feel like diving it to that... but this one is for the ladies. ♥


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