Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2017 already. Even with everything I went through in 2016, it was still a pretty damn good year for me. I'm so incredibly in love and have such amazing family and friends. I really couldn't ask for much more. However, I've been pretty depressed lately. Close to the lowest I've ever been. I believe it's the hormones I am taking. I'm on the verge of tears constantly and it's hard for me to even get out of bed some days. I hate even admitting that,  but it's reality. I take estinyl one a day and as of right now I am going every 2 weeks for blood work and I have my first ultra sound next week. The hormones are working but damn are they putting me on my ass. My most recent FSH has lowered to 57 which isn't great, but good for me. The lowest it's been in over a year. Now we just wait to see if it's keeps lowering and I can get my follicles to grow! Then I will start the injections. Fingers crossed. I'm just taking this whole thing day by day. I have to Remember the big picture and know at the end of all this, no matter if it's a year or 5 years from now, I will be holding my sweet baby and it will all be worth it. I can just feel that 2017 is going to be a great year. I'll be 25 and I know good things are coming. It's going to be the best one yet 😊


  1. Love you baby girl for being so strong and following through with your dreams. I pray that whatever plans God has for your future that your health and emotions get better and gives you peace regardless of what this journey ends up like. I know you will be a moma one day in one way or another and may during these trying times, you find happiness and less tears. I love you sweetie and we are all so proud of you and always there for you!


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