A Happy Surprise

After my appointment at Life IVF center, I decided to take a little break from all of my monitoring.  The constant blood work and ultra sounds were getting to me and I was not in the right head space.  I have been continuing to take my estrogen and daily vitamins but no hormone monitoring was taking place for about a month. This past month I have been feeling super positive and on the right track. I have also completely cut out red meat and dairy and just trying to be healthier in general.  I feel great and have a ton of energy.  I'd been having an unexplainable feeling in my gut that good things were happening/about to happen.  It has actually been kind of nice not knowing what my weekly hormone levels are or what my ovaries and uterus look like this month.

WARNING: If you are uncomfortable with period talk, do not continue reading ;)

Every other month my doctor suggests I take progesterone to start a period because it is not ideal at my age to not bleed every month.  I have not had a non-medication induced period in over a year. Well, on the 4th of July, with no progesterone, I started my period. God Bless America!! And this hasn't been the usual measly, spotty, barely there period I get when I have to take progesterone.  This is a FULL ON period (cramps, mood swings, cravings and all!) and my body did it all on it's own.  I know this may not seem like a big deal for most, but to me it's a victory! My womb is working and I feel like a woman again, a real woman.  I reached out to my doctor to let them know the news and they will be calling me on Monday presumably to have me start cycle monitoring again. 

I am coming up on a year since my diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Failure and I must say it has been one of the most challenging years of my life. Mentally and physically. However, joining support groups and speaking to other women in my same situation has helped me tremendously.  I have never been very religious, but after randomly joining a faith-based support group I have discovered a new found love for God and pray daily.  It really helps.  In this group we have a team that I joined that reaches out to women going through a particularly hard time in their infertility journey and we write letters or cards to them.  It's always nice to receive a real, tangible card in the mail, especially when going through a hard time.  I have found that writing these letters to women all over the US who I don't even know has really opened my heart and in a weird way comforted me in knowing there are SO many women and couples going through the same struggle.  One of my main goals in this journey of mine is to bring awareness and help other women feel like we are not alone in this!!

Thanks for reading,


  1. Oh sweetie you made me cry with this post. I'm so happy you are feeling more positive and things are going along better than
    they have been. I truly feel that letting God into your life and letting Him help you through this is such a positive thing. Sometimes life becomes so difficult we have to give it over to Him and that helps take some of the weight off of your shoulders, I'm so proud of you as is everyone, and I pray you find the answers and outcome you are looking for, I love you so much!
    Aunt Susie xo


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